Do You Choose a Home Birth or a Hospital Birth?

Have You Decided Where You Want to Give Birth?

Most women are aware that, if they don’t have a medical indication, they have a choice regarding where to give birth. This decision is often based on where you feel most comfortable at the time.

In recent years, however, more women have been opting for hospital births (known as outpatient or poliklinische births). Safety is usually the deciding factor in this choice. However, research shows that a home birth is just as safe as giving birth in a hospital.

Have you already decided where you want to give birth? Has safety been the deciding factor for you? Or are you still unsure? Keep reading to learn more…

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Home birth

In recent years, more women have been choosing to give birth in hospitals. However, home births also offer many advantages that shouldn’t be overlooked.

One significant benefit of a home birth is the ability to give birth in your own familiar surroundings. Being at home can provide a sense of calm and confidence, which often leads to increased production of oxytocin, the "birth hormone." This hormone plays a crucial role in making labor progress smoothly and, in combination with other hormones, can even help reduce pain—an incredible advantage.

At home, you also have the freedom to decide how and where you give birth. Whether it’s in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, or shower, the choice is entirely yours. You can create your own safe, comfortable bubble, which further supports oxytocin production and helps the birthing process unfold naturally.

Another important advantage of home births is the reduced likelihood of medical interventions compared to outpatient hospital births. Home births are less likely to involve the use of vacuum assistance or result in a cesarean section.

Ultimately, women who have experienced home births often look back on their deliveries more positively than those who had outpatient hospital births.

And what about the mess? Don’t worry! The kraamzorg team ensures everything is cleaned up for you, so you can focus on enjoying your newborn. Plus, the kraampakket you receive includes all the necessary materials to keep things as clean as possible.

With all these benefits, it’s no surprise that many women who choose home births describe it as a peaceful, empowering experience.

Women tend to look back on their birth experience more positively.

All in all, women who have experienced a home birth tend to look back on it more positively than those who had an outpatient hospital birth. And did you know you don’t have to worry about the “mess” either? The kraampakket you receive contains all the necessary materials to keep things as clean as possible. Plus, everything will be tidied up for you while you and your partner enjoy those precious first moments with your baby.

Going to the hospital

Many women feel reassured by the idea of giving birth in a hospital, often because it means they are already in the right place if complications arise. After all, if something goes wrong during labor at home, you would need to transfer to the hospital.

Fortunately, in most cases, if complications start to develop during a home birth, your midwife will recognize the signs well in advance. This means you can typically transfer to the hospital calmly and with your midwife’s assistance, just as you would for an outpatient hospital birth. Emergencies requiring an ambulance transfer are rare. In fact, fewer than 5% of women need to be taken to the hospital urgently by ambulance.

The likelihood of needing an emergency hospital transfer is, therefore, very small, which can help you feel more confident about your choice to give birth at home.

Pain relief options

Another important consideration when deciding where to give birth is your preference for pain relief. Certain pain relief methods, such as an epidural, pethidine injection, or morphine pump, are only available in the hospital. However, there are also pain relief options available for home births, including a TENS machine, sterile water injections, and even your body’s natural hormones.

Yes, really—your body produces pain-relieving hormones called endorphins during labor. Combined with oxytocin, these hormones can help reduce the pain you experience. It may sound surprising, but it works—provided you don’t resist the process, as resistance can block these natural benefits.

To make an informed decision about pain relief during labor, it’s essential to research the various options in advance, understanding their pros and cons. This knowledge can also help guide your choice between a home birth or a hospital birth, ensuring you feel confident and prepared when the time comes.

Personal note from Lotte

If you’re still unsure about where you’d like to give birth or want more information to feel confident in your choice, my birthing course can provide you with all the insights you need. In the course, I’ll guide you through this topic, helping you make the decision that feels right for you.

And remember, your decision is never set in stone. If, during labor, you feel differently about your choice, that’s perfectly okay! The most important thing is to do what feels right for you in the moment. Feeling empowered and comfortable with your decision—no matter where you give birth—is key to having a positive birth experience.

Source: Koninklijke Nederlandse Organisatie van Verloskundigen (Royal Dutch Organization of Midwives)

This blogpost is written by: Lotte
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